Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function '_wp_footnotes_kses_init' not found or invalid function name in /home/unlockin/cultureofinvitation/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 308

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Dates | Culture of Invitation


30th September: Dorking St Paul
3rd October: Poitou Charentes Makir Chaplaincy
4th October: Poitou Charentes Makir Chaplaincy
6th October: Belvedere St Augustine
9th October: Lead Academy
20th October: Charlton URC
21st October: Charlton URC
22nd October 1pm: St. Ninian’s Episcopal Church Prestwick
22nd October 7pm: Bellshill West Church
23rd October 10am: Wellington Church Glasgow
23rd October 7pm: Inshes Church of Scotland Inverness
24th October 2.15pm: Cults Parish Church Aberdeen
24th October 7pm: Kinross Parish Church
25th October 1pm: St Matthews Perth
25th October 7pm: Palmerston Place Church Edinburgh
30th October: The Palace Chichester
3rd November: Methodist Community of Practice
6th November 10am: St Marks Bexhill
6th November 7.30pm: Salisbury Vineyard
17th November: Guisborough Methodist
22nd November: Warrington Deanery
1st December: Diocese of St Albans (Bedford)


16th January: Lead Academy
19th January: Reading CU
26th – 27th January: Moreton in the Marsh
2nd February: Methodist Community of Practice
5th February: St Mary Magdalene Sale
13th February: Diocese of Isle of Man
25th to 27th February: Independent Methodist
28th February: South East Baptist Association
2nd March: Manchester and District Methodists
5th March: St Mary Magdalene Sale
9th March: Lead Academy
19th March: St Mary Magdalene Sale
6-7th April: Southborough Lane Baptist Church